✨ AI
+ Coding!

Hi, I'm
Wes Bos

Hamilton, On 🇨🇦. Also 🇳🇱




syntax.fm × @syntaxfm × sentry

This is a talk about
coding with AI &
building things with AI

A few things

AI gives developers a massive boost in productivity, code quality and what they are able to build.

We're still figuring a lot of things out - but I don't think it's going anywhere and it's not something to ignore.


Places we can use AI to help us code

Ghost Code

Amazon Code Whisperer
Replit Ghostwriter


Chat Apps

Pull Requests

Vercel's v0.dev

So many Experiments...

Why AI?

Using AI to Code

How you can use AI in your day-to-day

Dummy Data

> Give me an array of people, each person has a first, last, and age property.

Each person also has a nested array of 1-3 jobs, which have start date, optional end date, description and a manager, who has the same properties as a person.

Generate Types

Do the work

Make Reusable

> convert to a class based re-usable library with all best practices. I want to be able to pass in either selector strings or elements

Generate CSS

> I have this HTML.Write the selectors with nth-child so that each of the 10 items have random rotate values between -2 and 2. Use 2 decimal points and turns.

> Write tests for this regex


> Write the function that satisfies these tests

> Give Feedback on Errors

Not Perfect...

It's really good at complex inputs

> ffmpeg command for merging three video files, overlaying captions and adding music from tunes.mp3

> Explain it to me

> Install these

I could show cool examples all day

Let's look at how to integrate AI into your apps

> transcribe


What we want

Formatted as JSON please


1 Hour Podcast = ~15,000 Tokens

1 hour podcast = 15,000 token input, 1,000 token output.

As with everything, it's a tradeoff between quality, speed and price.

Model Token Limit Cost to summarize Podcast
GPT 3.5 turbo 4k 4,096 2.4¢
GPT 3.5 turbo 16k 16,384
GPT 4 8,192 66¢
GPT 4-32k turbo 32,768 $1.02
Anthropic Claude 2 100,000 20¢
Anthropic Claude Instant 100,000

> Craft The Prompt

> craft the request

> We get: title, description and topics

> Detailed Summary

> Tweets?

> Speaker Times

> Websites Referenced


How does it know about 600+ hours of transcripts?

It doesnt.

0.6¢ ($0.006) Per 1 hour episode, $2.88 for the entire syntax back catalog of 620 eps

Cosine Similarity, Euclidean Distance


Back to the Syntax Example

So, are we screwed?

Out of a job soon?

I don't know.

I don't think so

Here is what I think

AI gives us a massive boost in what we can do

What can we now make with our new super powers?

Technology isn't going to stand still

Less centering divs, more boundary pushing

We're Problem Solvers

Our tools are changing.

Don't ignore it. Stay sharp.

