& Tooling

🔥 Tasty Tooling Tips

Wes Bos

These slides will be available shortly after this talk
I'll tweet the link out.


Let's talk about tooling.

First, a story

It's about
the plumbing industry


Enter Shark Bite

SharkBite is a new type of fitting that plumbers can use to attach pipes together

It's Lego for plumbing!

Shark Bite is more expensive,
- but -
it allows for faster work
and is much less error prone.

Many Plumbers have written it off.
It's too expensive.
It's too fancy.

It's changing the industry

many are blind to the benefits.

Web tooling is evolving in exactly the same way.

Some developers write tooling off as over-engineering, while others have realized the benefits.

There is a fine line between tooling for tooling's sake and getting real work done.

Let's be smart about the tools we use.

Any time invested in tooling should be paid back by greater efficiency and better, more resilient code.

"There are too many tools!"

"What Should I use?"

"It changes too fast!"


I'm overwhelmed.

[loudly crying]

😭 → 😢 → 😑 → 😮 → 😁 → 😄

This talk is going to review popular workflow components.
I hope you can take away 3 or 4 things
to improve your own workflow.

Build Tools

The Biggest Barrier to Entry

Grunt, Gulp, Broccoli, NPM, WebPack

Not all tools are Equal

What are they for?


One task at a time

Gruntfile is Configured

Write to file system


Sequential Tasks

Gulpfile is Coded

pipes contents through streams

NPM as a build system

Uses NPM Scripts in your package.json to run a string of bash tasks

Installed node_modules expose commands to package.json like `babel`, `browser-sync` or `uglify`

Instead of using Grunt Uglify or Gulp Autoprefixer, it uses the exposed CLI commands directly.

No special gulp/grunt adapter libs needed - just use the package!

NPM Scripts

"So Simple + Easy"😳

Taken from

Flow control can get tough!


What Should I use?

Whatever Works Best!

For Websites

Gulp is the good fit because:
Build Speed
Package Availability
Ease of Authoring and Understanding
Overall Industry Acceptance
47% use Gulp while near 20% don't use one at all

For Large JS Apps

Webpack is in very active development

Huge barrier to entry, but huge possible gains!

Having a build tool is most important.

Once you have something in place, we have thousands of packages available to us — let's look at some!



First Paint is extremely important

Extracts & inlines critical-path (above-the-fold) CSS from HTML


Removes Unused CSS.

Works with JavaScript Generated classes & Selectors


Image Compression is Hard.

Most devs don't care enough to do it.

ImageMin provides a common, easy to use interface for 17 different image compression libraries.

Do you have
7.75 seconds?



Minifies, Compresses and Mangles Code

2.3m → 405k with just the defaults

Dependency + Module Management

We're seeing a huge shift
in how we manage
front end dependencies

The Old Way:

One day you wake up and...

Or you have 5 versions of jQuery😂

Or 3 of your plugins are all loading Lodash

The Future is

We have have modules in Node.js since the beginning, but have seen limited uptake in the browser.

With the rise in popularity of build tools, now is the time to start!


1. Install your libraries:

$ npm install jquery

— or —

$ bower install jquery

— or —

$ jspm install jquery

2. Write your code

Common JS → Node Style

var $ = require('jquery');

ES6 Modules

import $ from 'jquery'

3. Compile into a single or multiple bundles

Browserify → Simpliest API

WebPack → Handles CSS, batteries included, Native ES6 Modules

JSPM → Client Side. Native ES6 Modules

What about Gulp? Grunt?
Where do they fit in?

Gulp and Grunt are task runners, one of your tasks will be to bundle your JavaScript.

Gulp and Grunt can call run Browserify, WebPack and JSPM for you, or you can call them directly via NPM Scripts.

Back to Modules
Let's look at some code

Small Modules that
do one thing
one thing well.

Only need Ajax?

$npm install fetch

— Then —

Pick + Choose from Lodash

or JSPM?


When it comes to installing dependencies, there are two registries: NPM and Bower. JSPM uses NPM's registry.

Use NPM for everything!

Even though NPM was initially for Node, it's been expanded to be the Package Manager for everything JavaScript + Front End.

The Future

JavaScript + CSS are evolving a rapid pace. Let's start writing future code today.

Future JavaScript


We have all kinds of useful new features

Arrow Functions

let and const variable declarations

Template Strings

+ Many More

These are things we want to use today - and we can!

Gulp → gulp-babel

Grunt → grunt-babel

Browserify → babelify transformer

WebPack → babel-loader

CLI → babel script.js --out-file script-compiled.js


Everyone is
over Sass
Less & Stylus

But CSS is changing
We're getting the things we like in regular CSS:

Variables, Nesting, Scoping...

Write in CSS4,
compile for current browser support

Start using the new features today

It's Written in JavaScript and compile times are lightning fast

It's part of PostCSS ecosystem

Write your own CSS transformers or grab one of the dozens from NPM (like Autoprefixer!)

Workflow Treats

Small things you should add to your workflow!



It's not uncommon for our code to go though several transforms before it hits the browser as regular CSS



What happens when there is an error?

How do we trace it back to the original file?

CSS bug in _typography.scss:10 but browser shows error in compiled and minified app.css

JavaScript error in your React JSX component Store.js:25, but is untraceable after running through Babel and Browserify!

Sourcemaps are
for bugs

That was a lot.

Tooling is important

Put a
build process
in place

Sky is the limit!
